Muzland - acordes

Ian White
Psalm 42, Psalm 43

Cambio de tono


Acordes de ukelele

    • Lento
    • Medio
    • Rápido
  • Desplazamiento automático

© Acordes transcritos por: Elena Ladova // la especialista (
» Pedido de Ilya
± PPS (tempo): ♩ = 116 pulsaciones por minuto

Lyrics and Music by Ian White

Intro: C | C C C C | C

     C         G    C
As a deer pants for water,
I thirst for you, Lord,
    Dm7               F         C
But I have cried both day and night,
      Dm7                   G7
While men say “Where’s your God?”

      C      G   C
These things I remember
As I pour out my soul,
Dm7           F           C
How I used to praise the Lord,
 Dm7      G7      C
Among the happy crowd.

                     Em        F
  But why are you so sad, my soul?
  Why so disturbed within me?
                 Em        F
  Why are you so sad, my soul?
                     C        G7
  Why so disturbed within me?

              C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7     G7     C
     My saviour and my God.
     G7       C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7     G7     C    G7
     My saviour and my God.

C G      C
I will remember you
From upon the mountain high,
  Dm7               F     C
I hear your call in waterfalls,
     Dm7               G7
Your waves sweep over me.

   C           G     C
By day the Lord will bring his love,
By night I have his song,
  Dm7             F       C
Until the Lord of all my life
  Dm7      G7    C
A prayer I carry on.

                      Em      F
   But why are you so sad, my soul?
   Why so disturbed within me?
                  Em        F
   Why are you so sad, my soul?
                      C        G7
   Why so disturbed within me?

              C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7     G7     C
     My saviour and my God.
     G7       C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7     G7     C    G7
     My saviour and my God.

    C       G     C
And then I say to God, my rock,
Have you forgotten me,
Dm7           F    C
Why must I go mourning,
  Dm7            G7
Oppressed by enemies.

   C     G      C
My bones suffer agony
As I hear the taunt of foes,
Dm7          F        C
Saying to me all day long,
       Dm7     G7     C
“Where is this God of yours?”

                      Em        F
   But why are you so sad, my soul?
   Why so disturbed within me?
                  Em        F
   Why are you so sad, my soul?
                      C        G7
   Why so disturbed within me?

              C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7     G7     C
     My saviour and my God.
     G7       C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7            D7
     My saviour and my God.

        G          Dm7
   Vindicate me, O Lord,
       C                        G
   And plead my cause among the nations.
                  Dm7           C
   Deliver me for all deceitful and
   All wicked men.

   You are my God, my stronghold,
       C          G
   Why have you rejected me?
   Why must I go mourning,
     C              G      G7
   Oppressed by the enemy?

     C               G      C
Send forth your light, send forth your truth
And let them guide me well.
         Dm7              C
Let them bring me to your mountain,
       Dm7                G7
To the place where you dwell.

     C        G       C
Then I will go to the altar of God,
My joy and my delight.
    Dm7               F          C
And I will praise you with the harp,
  Dm7       G7     C
O Lord, you are my God.

                      Em      F
   But why are you so sad, my soul?
   Why so disturbed within me?
                  Em        F
   Why are you so sad, my soul?
                      C        G7
   Why so disturbed within me?

              C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7     G7     C
     My saviour and my God.
     G7       C    G7 C
     Put your hope in God
     For I will yet praise Him,
        Dm7     G7     C
     My saviour and my God.

Digitaciones de acordes de ukelele

C para ukelele
G para ukelele
F para ukelele
Dm7 para ukelele
G7 para ukelele
Em para ukelele
D7 para ukelele


Los acordes de acompañamiento del ukelele se asemejan mucho al original, teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades del instrumento.





Estadística Publicado el 29.12.19
Visto 13951 veces
Transpuesto 25087 veces

  1. Muzland
  2. I
  3. Ian White
  4. Psalm 42, Psalm 43 (Ukelele)