Muzland - acordes

Canciones infantiles
Song of Skates (Holiday on Ice)

Cambio de tono


Acordes de ukelele

    • Lento
    • Medio
    • Rápido
  • Desplazamiento automático

© Acordes transcritos por: Elena Ladova // la especialista (
± PPS (tempo): ♩ = 95 pulsaciones por minuto

From "Masha and The Bear"
("Holiday on Ice")
Lyrics by Gala Minasova and Music by Vasily Bogatyrev
The interpreters of the song: Elsie Fisher and Mikhail Shtangrud

Intro: :2/4: Bb | F
       G7 E7 | C C C

    C                F
The ice rinks on the river,
     A7                Dm
They glimmer, and they shimmer.
    C                  F
Grownups stay home and shiver,
        Em75-         A7
But the kids all run away.
     C                 F
They put on skates and go
   A7              Dm
To dance under the snow,
     Bb        C        F       Gm  
Then they transform, as they perform
    A7           Dm Dm7   Dm
The beautiful ballet.

Instrumental: :2/4: Bb | F
              G7 E7 | C C C

    C                 F
The snowflakes in the air,
     A7                Dm
Like silver stars they glare.
   C            F
Go there if you dare,
       Em75-            A7
If you care to join the play.
    C             F
Tie laces on your new skates,
     A7              Dm
Then go on meet your playmates.
  Bb       C            F       Gm  
Before you know, you’re good to go
    A7              Dm Dm7   Dm
And skate the fancy way.

Instrumental: :2/4: C | F | A7 | Dm
              C | F | Em75- | A7
              C | F | A7 | Dm

              Bb C | F F6
              A7 | Dm Dm7 Dm

              C | G
              A7 F#7 | D D D

      D                G
Let’s have the festive music
    B7              Em
And songs that are amusing
    D            G
For all of us to dance and sing
    F#m75-         B7
And celebrate this day.
    D                 G
The kids have fun and feel great,
     B7                 Em
They smile and laugh as they skate.
     C      D        G        Am  
They have a blast as they run fast
    B7            Em
And as they sway away.

Instrumental: :2/4: C D | G Am
              B7 | Em Em7 Em

Digitaciones de acordes de ukelele

Bb para ukelele
F para ukelele
G7 para ukelele
E7 para ukelele
C para ukelele
A7 para ukelele
Dm para ukelele
Em75- para ukelele
Gm para ukelele
Dm7 para ukelele
F6 para ukelele
G para ukelele
F#7 para ukelele
D para ukelele
B7 para ukelele
Em para ukelele
F#m75- para ukelele
Am para ukelele
Em7 para ukelele

Ver el vídeo


Los acordes de acompañamiento del ukelele se asemejan mucho al original, teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades del instrumento.





Estadística Publicado el 16.05.20
Visto 15031 veces
Transpuesto 31082 veces
Canciones infantiles - más
  1. Muzland
  2. C
  3. Canciones infantiles
  4. Song of Skates (Holiday on Ice) (Ukelele)