Muzland - acordes

Víctor Crone

Cambio de tono


Letra fiel al original

    • Lento
    • Medio
    • Rápido
  • Desplazamiento automático

© Compilador: Antón Gavzov // el jefe del proyecto (
± PPS (tempo): ♩ = 129 pulsaciones por minuto

Lyrics by Stig Rästa, Victor Crone, Fred Krieger and Music by Stig Rästa, Vallo Kikas, Victor Crone
Estonia / Eurovisión 2019

All my life I’ve wondered why
I keep fighting all the tides
For a million reasons that I find,
But I might, I might be all wrong.

I’ve hit highs and I’ve hit lows,
But somewhere down the winding road.
It felt like I could lose it all,
But I might, I might have been wrong.

     A storm like this
     Can break a man like this,
     But when it all calms down,
     We’re still safe and sound.

All my life I’ve tried to find
The meaning of what’s left behind,
They say it’s life itself but I
Feel it might, it might be all wrong.

     A storm like this
     Can break a man like this,
     But when it all calms down,
     We’re still safe and sound.

     A storm like this
     Can break a man like this,
     But when it all calms down,
     We’ll be safe and sound.

   Even if the sky falls down,
   We can turn it all around.
   We’ll escape the darkest clouds
   And we’ll be safe and sound.

Wherever we may go,
Whatever happens down the road,
However far from home
I know, we won’t let go.

     A storm like this
     Can break a man like this,
     But when it all calms down,
     We’ll be safe and sound.

   Even if the sky falls down,
   We can turn it all around.
   We’ll escape the darkest clouds
   And we’ll be safe and sound.

     A storm like this
     Can break a man like this,
     But when it all calms down,
     We’ll be safe and sound.

In no time the storm will end,
And it’ll be alright again,
The battle scars won’t matter then,
But I might, I might be all wrong.

Ver el vídeo


Letra de canción perfectamente revisada, que coincida totalmente con el tema original.





Estadística Publicado el 12.03.19
Visto 18521 veces
Transpuesto 30970 veces

  1. Muzland
  2. V
  3. Víctor Crone
  4. Storm (Letra)
  1. Muzland
  2. E
  3. Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión
  4. Storm (Letra)