Muzland - acordes


Acordes de ukelele

    • Lento
    • Medio
    • Rápido
  • Desplazamiento automático

© Acordes transcritos por: Antón Gavzov // el jefe del proyecto (

Lyrics and Music by Matthew Bellamy

Intro: F | F | C | C

F               Bbm
You could be my unintended,
Eb                G#
Choice to live my life extended,
C#               C7              F
You could be the one I'll always love.

You could be the one who listens
To my deepest inquisitions,
You could be the one I'll always love.

     F                Bbm
     I'll be there as soon as I can
     Eb           G#
     But I'm busy mending broken
     C#            C7           F
     Pieces of the life I had before.

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance,
She could never be as good as you.

You could be my unintended,
Choice to live my life extended,
You should be the one I'll always love.

Chorus 2 times

F        Bbm Bbm7 Bbm  Bbm7  F
Before you...

Digitaciones de acordes de ukelele

F para ukelele
C para ukelele
Bbm para ukelele
Eb para ukelele
G# para ukelele
C# para ukelele
C7 para ukelele
Bbm7 para ukelele


Los acordes de acompañamiento del ukelele se asemejan mucho al original, teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades del instrumento.





Estadística Publicado el 21.02.03
Visto 100813 veces
Transpuesto 72616 veces
Muse - más
  1. Muzland
  2. M
  3. Muse
  4. Unintended (Ukelele)