Muzland - acordes

Tom Odell
Another Love

Cambio de tono

Hay partitura

Acordes de ukelele

    • Lento
    • Medio
    • Rápido
  • Desplazamiento automático

© Acordes transcritos por: Antón Gavzov // el jefe del proyecto (
± PPS (tempo): ♩ = 123 pulsaciones por minuto

Lyrics and Music by Tom Odell

Intro: D#m C# | F# B | D#m
       Bbm F# | B C#

       D#m G#m | D#m
       Bbm F# | B | B

B                D#m              G#m    D#m
I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care,
              Bbm                 B
But it’s so cold and I don’t know where.
                 D#m          G#m    D#m
I brought you daffodils, in a pretty string,
                Bbm                  B
But they won’t flower like they did last spring.

      B     D#m                G#m    D#m
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright,
                Bbm               B
But I’m just so tired to share my nights.
     C# D#m       G#m   D#m
I wanna cry and I wanna love
           Bbm              B
But all my tears have been used up.

   B              F#            D#m
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm                B
     All my tears have been used up.
                  F#            D#m
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm                B
     All my tears have been used up.
                  F#            D#m
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm                B    F#
     All my tears have been used up.
     D#m Bbm

Instrumental: D#m C# | F# B | D#m
              Bbm F# | B B B C#

              D#m G#m | D#m
              Bbm F# | B | B

B               D#m          G#m   D#m
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight,
                   Bbm                   B
But my hand’s been broken one too many times,
         C# D#m               G#m     D#m
So I use my voice, I’ll be so fucking rude.
                  Bbm                 B
Words they always win but I know I’ll lose.

          B    C# D#m          G#m     D#m
Yeah, I’d sing a song, that’ll be just ours
               Bbm            B
But I sang ’em all to another heart.
         C#  D#m         G#m      D#m
And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love,
             Bbm                B
But all my tears have been used up.

   B              F#            D#m
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm                B
     All my tears have been used up.
                  F#            D#m
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm                B
     All my tears have been used up.
                  F#            D#m7
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm7               B   F#
     All my tears have been used up.
         D#m Bbm
     Oh, up.

Instrumental: B B B C# | D#m G#m
              D#m | Bbm F#        } 2 times

B       C#     D#m           G#m     D#m
I wanna sing a song, that’ll be just ours
               Bbm     F#       B
But I sang ’em all to another heart.
         C# D#m          G#m     D#m
And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love,
             Bbm           F#   B
But all my tears have been used up.

   B              F#            D#m
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm                B
     All my tears have been used up.
                  F#            D#m
     On another love, another love,
              Bbm                B
     All my tears have been used up.
                  F#            D#m7
     On another love, another love
            Bbm7                 B    F#
     All my tears have been used up.
     D#m Bbm

Digitaciones de acordes de ukelele

D#m para ukelele
C# para ukelele
F# para ukelele
B para ukelele
Bbm para ukelele
G#m para ukelele
D#m7 para ukelele
Bbm7 para ukelele


Los acordes de acompañamiento del ukelele se asemejan mucho al original, teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades del instrumento.





Estadística Publicado el 04.12.14
Visto 108878 veces
Transpuesto 51504 veces
Tom Odell - más
  1. Muzland
  2. T
  3. Tom Odell
  4. Another Love (Ukelele)